Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back to the Basics (Human Needs)

- By: Darryl Tan, 2008-02-25

Sex is one of our basic needs according to Abraham Maslow who is a renowned psychologist. This theory is called "The Heirarchy of Needs". This theory basically has 5 stages. Everyones starts from stage 1, which is the Physio needs. After all the needs have been fulfilled, we move up to the second stage. At any point of the later stages for instance, we get sexual urges, we will come back to stage 1 to fulfill that need. Otherwise we will not perform effectively on the higher stages.

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc.

3. Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.

4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.

5. Self-Actualization needs - realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Ok so our main concern here is Sex. It is evident that a bad sex life could lead to a bad relationship and marriage. There are many things that contribute to a bad sex life for instance; either partner is not getting enough, men orgasm too quickly etc. It is also a fact that women takes a longer time to reach an orgasm and most men do not have the stamina
to hold until that happens. Of course we could use other parts of our body to help women reach orgasms, but wouldnt it be a bliss if it happens through intercourse?

For anyone who is concerned of their sexual stamina, please visit my blog at to learn effective methods of improving your sexual stamina.

The Power of Three Shall Rule in time to come. Our Actual World

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The struggle of Being for Self_Realisation !

All life is a struggle, the struggle of the individual for Self-Actualisation !

We find that the Thesis and the Anti Thesis are equally logical. The intellect is dual.

We can learn a lot from a Court of Law. There will be two arguments, argued by scholars, and both appear logical.

In other words, what the intellect justifies is true. Its Anti Thesis is also true !

Should we believe the intellect, which offers two arguments, two types of Justice ( the Mosaic Law and the Jesusian ), two antithetical theories ?

We should know that the intellect is Janus- faced and rely on the Heart !

From Quantum Mysticism we have to come to Bridal Mysticism, which extolls the Absolute Self as Universal Love !

This is the struggle of Being for Self-Actualisation, through the well known three phase dialectic of Thesis, Antithesis & Synthesis !

Let us achieve Self Actualisation !

Thesis and Anti Thesis solved by Synthesis

In our last blog post we dicussed the Thesis of Huntington and the Anti Thesis of Amartya Sen.

Amartya Sen has criticised the Theory saying that civilizations cannot be grouped as Hindu, Buddhist or Islamic. But unfortunately the 9/11, Afghan war and Iraq war has only proved Huntington's Thesis true. History proves that the Crusades and other wars were along cultural lines.

There were Crusades against own people. The Albigensian Crusade was against the Cathars, who were Gnostics. Also the Waldensian Crusade.

In other words, history proves the Thesis of Huntington. When he says that friction exists between major civilizations, he is stating a fact known to all. Tensions exist between Islamic and Western, between Islamic and Indian, between Chinese & Japanese. Huntington is stating facts, corroborated by history !

If Clash is a major problem and it is, what is the solution to this malady ?

The three phase Dialectic is Thesis, Anti Thesis and Synthesis !

If we had discussed the Thesis and the Anti Thesis, it is upto to you to believe any of these doctrines. If what the intellect justifies is true and if its inverse is also true, then both are logical and intellectual doctrines.

And what is the Synthesis?

The highest synthesis is Universal Love. Love your enemies ! This wisdom was echoed by Shakespeare, Jesus and Sai. Sai is still alive, preaching tolerance and Universal Love.

When Universal Love triumphs, both Thesis and Anti Thesis win !

Universal Love is All Conquering !

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Clash of Civilizations - A Self fulfilling Prophecy ?

Prof Huntington's book the The Clash of Civilizations became famous and controversial.

There are seven, nay, Nine Civilizations

The Western
The Islamic
The Indian
The Japanese
The Chinese
The Russian
The African
The Buddhist
The Jewish

The Clash of Civilizations is happening, say many. The 9/11 2001 attacks, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq are proofs, they argue.

A self fulfilling prophecy is one when the political leaders, who are aware of this famous thesis, make it a reality ! Many political leaders knew this Thesis and were influenced by it, say the people who favour this theory.

Many radicalists also approve this theory.

There are criticisms, however, of this theory. Amartya Sen argues that Civilizations cannot be grouped into Seven or Nine civilizations !

The people who favour this theory argue that the present crisis is the conflict between two major civilizations, missionary ones, who averr that theirs is the only true faith. Both believe in conversions and it is a struggle for superiority. The human mind is engineered in such a way and all human beings are ruled by the Ego function ! It is not "my country, right or wrong", it is "my Civilization, right or wrong" !

So we have a thesis by Huntington and an AntiThesis by Amartya Sen. Let us see who is right !

According to Huntington's theory, the main cause of international conflict will be cultural, as different cultures struggle for superiority in a multi-cultural world.

The West, led by the US, is at the pinnacle of power. US will forge alliances with similar cultures and protogonists of this theory point out to the US-India-Russia Axis and the US-India-Japan Axis.
The Sino-Islamic connection is already there, as China colludes with Pakistan & Iran.

The Dialogue among Civilizations was the answer to this threat. A global organisation, the Alliance for Civilizations, was set up by the UN.

Let Universal Love redeem this world and let the world not perish in the Clash of Civilizations !

Friday, February 15, 2008

Four Steps on the Path of Wisdom

Four Steps on the Path of Wisdom
Arnold Keyserling and R.C.L.

No matter what the cultural context,
we find that the Path of Wisdom
has essentially four steps:

(1) know your body,

(2) create your dream body or energy fields,

(3) figure out your meaning in life, and

(4) participate in a global network of friends
where your meaning can be fulfilled in history.

These steps are not sequential, they all happen at once, with a change in emphasis over time. The "first" step of body awareness comes from exercises and practice - things like sports, yoga, martial arts, massage, etc. You have to be grounded in the body to escape from the prison of left brain hypnosis, to liberate yourself to holistic awareness.

Next, the creation of an energy body, a dream body, comes from active imagination, exercises and meditation. The Hindu tradition refers to this step as opening the Chakras. In China it is known as the activation of the Chi, and is the basis of all Oriental Medicine. The Western esoteric traditions refer to this energy field as the Aura - the halos you see painted around saints. Again, there are many methods to develop your energies, although they are not as well known as the body work. One such method uses sound vibrations known as PrimaSounds.

The third step is to make sense of the world, figure out what it all means and who you are. You can also think of this as a process of "remembering." Remembering what you came here to do, what you had intended to do in this life before you were born. Everyone has a purpose, a special life destiny, which only they can fulfill. The destiny is not inevitable, it is only a potential. The exact way it will be achieved is always unknown. So in that sense it is both a remembering and a creative process. Remember why you are here and figure out how to do it. The remembering and "figuring out" process is more than intuition, it is also a holistic thinking process. A process of active contemplation and analysis that can lead to action - once you figure out what it is you can do next. (It is easier to walk once the blindfold is removed!) Here the thinking tool which is Arnold Keyserling's purpose in life to develop and make known to others, called The WHEEL, can be of great help. It can help you remove the blindfold of ignorance as to who you are, help you to remember what you came here to do. Understanding who you are then leads naturally to the next step of "doing it."

The fourth step we sometimes call "Metapolitical" action in the world. (See: "Wisdom, Metapolitics and the Internet" essay.) Here a School of Wisdom or other friendship group is critical. With a little help from your friends, participation with others and in groups of people, you can act Globally to fulfill your potential. You can fulfill your mission in life. You can become a player in the ongoing game of human civilization, a link in the great history of life. You can carry out your meaning in life, your true purpose, the only way possible - in active concert with the rest of the Universe.

All four steps on the Path of Wisdom can be significantly helped by group work and teachers. To fill this need Schools of Wisdom, and groups like it, are now opening all over the world based on the tradition of direct Wisdom transmission. A word of caution here, don't be too intellectual or take yourselves too seriously, have fun with the Path of Widom and the Wheel, play with it as a kind of "glass bead game." True Wisdom is joyful. People who are too serious are not really mature.

Finally, remember only YOU can find out who you are - no one else can (or should) do that for you, or tell you what to do. Beware of Power Trippers, especially "spiritual" ones. The days of Gurus, cults and religions telling you what to do are gone. The New Age demands individual liberty and spiritual democracy. We are free people, united on a global scale by interlocking networks and communities. Just as you would not allow another to take over your body, do not sell your soul, or allow your spirit to be taken and controlled by another. Walk these four steps of Wisdom yourself!

Article Source : School Of Wisdom

Thursday, February 14, 2008


by: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

IX young men of Caesar's household
Fled before their master's anger;
As a god he claimed their worship,
Though a sorry god was he.
For an insect, ever buzzing,
Still annoyed him at the banquet,
Still disturbed his rest and pleasure.
All the chasing of his servants
Could not drive away the torment.
Ever round the head of Caesar
Did the angry creature hover,
Threatening with its poisoned sting
Still it flew, and swiftly circling,
Made confusion at the table,
Messenger of Beelzebub,
The infernal Lord of flies.

"Ha!" -- so spake the youths together,
"He a god that fears an insect!
Can a god be thus molested?
Does a god, like wretched mortals,
Feast and revel at the banquet?
Nay! to Him, the one, the only,
Who the sun and moon created,
Who hath made the stars in glory,
Shall we henceforth bend the knee!"

So they spake, and left the palace,
Left it in their trim apparel;
By a shepherd led, they hastened
To a cave was in the mountain,
And they all went gliding in.
And the shepherd's dog came after,
Though they strove to drive him from them;
Thrust himself toward his master,
Licked their hands in dumb entreaty,
That he might remain their fellow;
And lay down with them to sleep.

But the wrath of Caesar kindled,
When he knew that they had left him;
All his former love departed,
All his thought was vengeance only.
Out in quest he sent his people,
Traced them to the mountain hollow.
Not to fire nor sword he doomed them;
But he bade great stones be lifted
To the entrance of the cavern;
Saw it fastened up with mortar;
And so left them in their tomb.

But the youths lay calmly sleeping;
And the angel, their protector,
Spake before the throne of glory:
"I have watched beside the sleepers,
Made them turn in slumber ever,
That the damps of yonder cavern,
Should not cramp their youthful limbs;
And the rocks around I've opened,
That the sun at rising, setting,
May give freshness to their cheeks.
So they lie in rest and quiet,
In the bliss of happy dreams."
So they lay; and still beside them,
Lay the dog in peaceful slumber,
Never whimpering in his sleep.

Years came on and years departed;
Till at last the young men wakened;
And the wall, so strongly fastened,
Now had fallen into ruin,
Crumbled by the touch of ages.
Then Iamblichus, the youngest,
And the goodliest of them all,
Seeing that the shepherd trembled,
Said, "I pray you now, my brothers,
Let me go to seek provisions;
I have gold, my life I'll venture,
Tarry till I bring you bread."

Ephesus, that noble city,
Then, for many a year, had yielded
To the faith of the Redeemer,
Jesus. (Glory to his name!)

And he ran into the city;
At the gate were many wardens,
Armed men on tower and turret,
But he passed them all unchallenged;
To the nearest baker's went he,
And in haste demanded bread.

"Ha! young rogue," exclaimed the baker,
"Surely thou hast found a treasure;
That old piece of gold betrays thee!
Give me, or I shall denounce thee,
Half the treasure thou hast found."

And Iamblichus denied it.
But the baker would not listen;
Brawling till the watch came forward,
To the king they both were taken;
And the monarch, like the baker,
But a higher right asserting,
Claimed to share the treasure too.

But at last the wondrous story,
Which the young man told the monarch,
Proved itself by many tokens
Lord was he of that same palace,
Whither he was brought for judgment;
For he showed them to a pillar,
In the which a stone was loosened
Led unto a treasure chamber,
Heaped with gold and costly jewels.
Straightway came in haste his kindred,
All his clan came thronging round him,
Eager to advance their claim;
Each was nearer than the other.

And Iamblichus, the blooming,
Young in face, and form, and feature,
Stood an ancestor among them.
All bewildered he heard legends
Of his sons and of his grandsons,
Fathers of the men before him.
So amazed he stood and listened,
Patriarch in his early manhood;
While the crowd around him gathered,
Stalwart men, and mighty captains,
Him, the youngest, to acknowledge
As the founder of their race!
And one token with another
Made assurance doubly certain;
None can doubt the wondrous story
Of himself and of his comrades.

Shortly, to the cave returning,
King and people all go with him,
And they saw him enter in.
But no more to king or people,
Did the Chosen reappear.
For the Seven, who long had tarried --
Nay, but they were eight in number,
For the faithful dog was with them --
Thenceforth from the world were sundered.
The most blessed Angel Gabriel,
By the will of God Almighty,
Walling up the cave for ever,
Led them unto Paradise.

John Storer Cobb's English translation of 'The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus' was first published in Goethe: Poetical Works, vol. II. Boston: Francis A Niccolls & Company, 1902.

Article Source : Poetry Archive

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Quantum Healing !

Dr Deepka Chopra defined Quantum Healing as

Quantum healing is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body.

This is Quantum Medicine !

Article Source : Dr Deepak Chopra

Monday, February 04, 2008

Quantum Mysticism

Gary Zukav in his book " The Dancing Wu Li Masters" dealt with Quantum Mysticism, that the world of the New Phyics, validated mystic truths. ( )

So did Fritjof Capra in his book " The Tao of Physics ".

Earlier the Indian sages,Vivekananda and Aurobindo had predicted that as modern science progresses, the Indian philosophic truths will only be confirmed.

Dr Chopra in his book " Quantum Healing " also dealt with Quantum Mysticism.

The entire approach of SCI & TM is that all eternal truths are verified by Quantum Physics, verified by scientific research and verified by personal experience.