Friday, March 30, 2012

The Science of Logic in Indian Wisdom

Bhagavan Gauthama founded the Science of Logic, Nyaya Sastra, for the establishment of Vedic concepts and for the refutatation of non-Vedic arguments.

Nyaya Sastra is the one of six main sciences. "The Science of Logic is that which illumines all Learning, the instrument of all actions and is the refuge of all moral ethics analysed completely for the purpose of Knowledge"

 Pradeepa sarva Vidhyanam
Upadhi sarva karmanam
Ashraya sarva dharmanam
Vidhy dhese pareekhithah

 This is in line with the Western definition of Logic, that it is the science of the regulative principles of thought.

It is said that the Lord, in His Timeless Eternity, fed up with the illogical events happening on earth, wondered why human beings are so illogical and incarnated as Bhagavan Gauthama to reveal the Science of Logic, the Wisdom of Nyaya Sastra to mankind !

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The 25th Principle is He !

Bhagavan Kapila, who gave humanity the Wisdom of Nature, Sankhya Sastra, one of the six main sciences of Indian Philosopy. He postulated that there are two components of the Ultimate, Purusha and Prakrithi. We are in the state of Prakrithi and we have to transcend to the level of the Eternal Purushua.

Kapila was an incarnation of the Lord. The Lord revealed the mysteries of the Universe to His Mother, Devahoothi.

Prakrithi mahad ahamkara tan matra bhooyan
Hridi dasapi dasakshee purusha Pancha vimsa
Ithi vividha vibhogo muchyathe sau prakrithya
Kapila thanu riththvam deva hootyai nyagadi

Nature, Cosmic Mind, Ego, the Five Subtle Essences, the Five Elements, Heart, the five organs of perceptions and the five organs of action - all these are the 24 principles of the Universe. This is Nature Almighty, Prakrithi in action.

Transcending these 24 principles is the Mighty Purusha, the 25th Principle and the Ultimate Principle.

He who knows all these 25 principles, he will be liberated eternally!

So Thou, in Thy incarnation as Bhagavan Kapila, revealed to Thy mother, Devahoothi !

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Who is a Hindu ?

There is a misunderstanding about the word Hindu.

Max Muller, Monier Williams and other missionary scholars want us to believe that since our ancestors lived near the river Sindhu, we are called Hindus, because the Persians could not pronounce the word Sindhu. This is utter nonsense.

Sat Prem, a French intellectual, in his book " Aurobindo, the Adventure of Consciousness" remarks that "the term Hinduism is an invention of the West. The Indian speaks only about the Eternal Law, the Sanathana Dharma. Now India, who could understand the Eternal Iconoclast that God is in His Cosmic March, did not have the strength to support Her Wisdom" So true, we were invaded by the Mughal Empire and the British Empire.

The Eternal Law, this Sanathana Dharma, is called by many as Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. " The Name of this Causality is Divine Law " said Aurobindo. " "The Law rules all and is all' said Cheiro. This Eternal Law pervades the Universe, ruling all.

The real meaning of the word Hindu is that he who is sorrowful in violence is a Hindu, himsayam dhooyathe yasya saha hindurithyabhideeyathe.

Vivekananda wrote

' The Hindu believes he is Spirit. Him the fire cannot burn, him the water cannot wet, him the sword cannot pierce nor the wind dry. He is the Absolute Self, center everywhere, circumference nowhere".

The Supramental Dialectic

Bhagavan Aurobindo, staunch nationalist that he was, prayed for India's liberation !

" The athiest is in me, the agnostic is in me, all I want O Lord, is my country's freedom "

Then suddenly He heard the Voice.

" This is the Eternal Law, the Sanathana Dharma, the Eternal Religion which I have perfected through the saints, the Yogis, the Rishies and the Avatars. When you go forth, say that it is for Dharma India exists. At the moment I am giving India her freedom"

No wonder India's Independence and Aurobindo's birthday coincided !

The Voice continued " I am seated deep in the hearts of all and I overrule their actions and words. It is what I SHALL and not what others may. It is for Dharma India exists. Whatever be the impossibilities and difficulties that come, know that there is nothing impossible, there is nothing difficult. "

Aurobindo knew that all his steps were divinely ordained and founded the Supramental Dialectic and Integral Yoga, after this Vision he got in jail !

Who can describe Bhagavan Aurobindo ?

The Science of the Absolute

The Lord milked the cows ( Upanishads ) and created a master treatise, the Geetha. The Geetha is the Lamp lit by Him at the altar of humanity. It is the Upanishad sung by Him, the Science of the Absolute and the Scripture on Yoga. 

In the Upanishads, Reality is indicated by a series of negatives, because the Negative is less limiting than the Positive.

Aurobindo wrote " The ancient sages spoke indeed of Brahman negatively. They said It is not this, It is not that". At the same time, they took care to speak of it positively. They said It is this, It is that, It is all. Brahman, the Absolute, they said is Life, is Matter, is Life, is Supermind, is Cosmic Delight, is Sat Chit Ananda ( Being, Knowledge, Bliss ). But Brahman, the Absolute, cannot be defined by any of these terms, not even by our broadest definition of Sat Chit Ananda".


Some doubt the Law of Metempsychosis or Reincarnation. 

The Law of Conservation of Matter states that Matter or Energy can never be created nor destroyed.

Matter exists in three forms - solid, liquid and gaseous.

Ice (solid ) when heated becomes water. Water when heated becomes vapour, which when cooled, becomes water. In other words, Substance knoweth no destruction. It merely undergoes a transformation into conditions which preexisted in other conditions.

Imagine yourself as ice. Ice had preexisted in other conditions as water. Water had preexisted in other conditions as vapour. It is only logical to assume that we had preexisted in other conditions !

Physical Life, therefore, does not begin to be. It merely enters physical conditions and assumes physical guise.

The Law of Conservation of Matter is in other words, the Law of Conservation of Being, where Being is all in all - Matter, Mind and Life !

Sai as Avatar !

In the communiion of Yoga, Aurobindo felt that the Overmind is descending on Earth. He exclaimed " Lord Krishna will be reborn in India" ( On Nov 23 ). After that Aurobindo retired into solitude. 

To fulfill that prophecy, Bhagavan Baba was born.

Adorned with the sixteen divine graces
And resembling the orb of the Autumn Moon
The Sovereign of this Universe
Was born as Easwaramba's beloved son
To the delight of the three worlds !

Symbolism of Animal and Self

We will explain the symbolism of Nandi and Lord Shiva. 

Why did the Rishies insist on Nandi before the Deity. Nandi represents our animal aspect. Our animal aspect has to be overcome to attain Self Actualisation, or the vision of the mighty Lord ( Lord Shiva ).

After attaining Cosmic Consciousness, Sat Prem writes about Aurobindo. " He felt the animal grimace under the Infinite Consciousness and the material gross still intact after that beautiful aureole". He had overcome the animal in Him !

You will find this great Symbolism in all Lord Shiva temples.

The symbolism of Kalia Mardhana

This is a glorious opportunity to explain the great symbolism of Kalia Mardana.

In the West, the seven reprehensible actions have been defined by Dante as the Seven Deadly Sins. They are Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness and gluttony.

In India, they are known as the Ari Shad Vargas, the six enemies of Man, Kama, Krodha, Mada, Moha, Matsarya & Lobha. Raga or attachment can be added as the Seventh.

The giant Kalia reprents our Ego. And his seven hoods are the Seven Deadly Sins, Kama, Krodha etc.

Let Him dance on our Ego, destroying the Sins in us, so that we become eligible for Self Actualisation !

Ego, strength, arrogance,
Lust, anger, hatred
Overcoming all these
Eligible he becomes
For the Divine Crown !

Ahamkaram Balam Darpam
Kamam Krodham Parigraham
Vimuchya Nirmala Shantho
Brahma bhooyaya Kaplathe

- The Holy Geetha

Grace us O Almighty Lord!

Praseeda Devesha Jagannivasa !

Dialectical Integralism

Marx was a great philosopher and his Dialectical Materialism checked the advance of Evangelist Churchianity. International Communism became so formidable that its strength equalled the strength of United Churchianity !

One gentleman by the name of Upadhyaya, son in law of Dange, has written a book called " Marxist Brahman". This is about Divine Communism. He proved that Dialectical Materilism existed even before Marx in the Upanishads. Padartham Brahma means that Matter is the Brahman. Aurobindo Philosophy also begins with the staetement that Matter is the Brahman, Annam Brahma.

Dialectical Idealism reversed ( Hegelian Idealism ) is Marxism. Marx was a Jewish intellectual. Spinoza, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Marx, Trotsky etc were all Jews.

Aurobindo integrated both Dialectical Idealism and Dialectical Materialism and founded Dialectical Integralism, that Matter and Spirit are the obverse and the reverse of the same coin of Realit

Vedic Symbolism

All sastras have two types of meaning 

The Exoteric - Outer - Bahya Artha
The Esoteric - Inner - Antarika Artha

Bahya Abhyantara Bhedath Dvivida

While we can understand a mythological story and its Bahya Artha, the Antarika Artha or the inner symbolic meaning is explained only by the Guru. It can only be got via the Guru Shishya Bandha.

Here is the symbolism of the Lord on a chariot, giving instructions to the Prince of India.

The Lord symbolises the Self
Arjuna represents the Discriminative Intellect, Prajna
The Five Horses are the Five Senses, Pancha Indriyas
The reins are the Mind.


Athmanam Sardhim Viddhi
Shareeram Ratham Eva Cha
Indriyanam Hayaneshu
Mana pragrahameva Cha

Know that the Self is the rider
The Body the Chariot
Senses five the five horses
And Mind the reins !

Vande Guru Paramparam

We thank the tradition of Masters, who gave us this symbolic meaning. Hail Bhagavan Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Bhagavan Sai, Mahesh Yogi etc.

Gain Peace immense !

Dr Paul Brunton hailed Him as one of the greatest sages. ' I thank the hour when I first met thee, O Illustrious Sage of Arunachala" wrote he. On seeing Him, Dr Brunton records that " I felt immense peace enter into the inner realms of my being"!

When Dr Brunton was sitting in an apartment in US, he heard the voice of this Great One. " Are you just wasting time, when humanity is thirsting for crumbs of Wisdom?". Impelled by that Call, Dr Brunton came to India and wrote 20 books on Yoga.

Says Raman

"In the Infinite Sky of Consciousness ( Chit Akasha ), the Sun of Self Realisation shines bright and brilliant. Disperse the cloud of Ego obstructing the moonlight of Consciouness and the bud of Truth begins to blossom.

The Absolute Brahman becomes the cosmic world and spreads this world. This world is its thought, an imagination.

The mind gets peace by meditating on the Unity of the Ultimate Reality. The Self fills the Universe, being 
 colorless, formless, nameless !

Humanity's first martyr !

In his essay " Giadarno Bruno ", Robert Ingersoll writes

Christian ignorance, bigotry and hatred have destroyed the vast treasures of our race. The Sun was blotted out from the intellectual horizon, every star extinguished. And there descended into our planet the period known as the Dark Ages.

This world class philosopher and poet, Bruno, was burnt alive by RC. ( by the triumphant Beast ).

He was humanity's first martyr.

The murder of this great one can only be avenged, until from Rome
shall be removed every vestige of priest and Pope, after the ruins of St Peters, the fallen Cross and the crumpled Vatican, shall rise a monument to Bruno, the thinker, the philosopher, the martyr !

The Soul doth not die !

In his "Fable of Actaeon", Bruno prayed for the destruction of his contingent being, so that the Deus Absconditus, the absconding Divinity, the Atman, the Brahman may be realised in himself.

In that Actaeon is a deer who falls in love with Goddess Diana. A jackal comes in between and Actaeon prays for his own destruction, so that he can get a glimpse of the Goddess !

Give me a death in its cruel fangs.

This is the symbolism of the story. Actaeon is the human intellect. Goddess Diana is Divine Wisdom. The jackal is the body- mind - intellect complex which prevent Self Actualisation.

LIbera nos, Domine - Liberate us O Lord ! '

He knew that the Ego, the body-intellect-mind complex was the big hindrance to Self Realisation !

Jayanthi the Sukruthino
Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara
Nasthi thesham Yasha Kaye
Jara Maranajam bhayam

They alone are the Victors
The Self Actualised Poets
As their fame body knoweth
No death, wear or tear !

Even now Bruno's fame body, like all others Rishies and Kavis, knoweth no wear and tear !

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indian theories and Sir Erasmus Darwin

Sir Erasmus Darwin belonged to the Lunar Society. He was impressed by two Indian theories.

1) Theory of Metempsychosis or Rebirth
2) Theory of the Ten Incarnations

Evolution states that Life began from the sea and that our primordial ancestors were aquatic.

The Ten Incarnations Theory ( Dasa Avataras ) is allegorical and symbolic. Life came from the sea ( Matsya Avatara ) and the unicellular amoeba evolved and evolved, into plants, into apes and then into man. Man then becomes Enlightened ( The Buddha ) and this is the Goal of Life, Self Actualisation ( parama purushartha = moksha ) .

Regarding, Metempsychosis. Aurobindo averred "It is illogical to assume that Plato and the Hottentot and the fortunate child of the Rishies and the saints have to realise in this very birth their eternal future. " So for the Evolution of Consciousness, which is behind the Evolution of the Species, there have to be many lives.

The East India Company, via Sir Erasmsus Darwin, took these two theories to the Western world. Sir Eramsus Darwin evolved a new theory out of it - The Theory of Evolution.

Later on, his grandson, Charles Darwin, established this theory in the scientific world, as the Law of Evolution, in his Origin of the Species !