All sastras have two types of meaning
The Exoteric - Outer - Bahya Artha
The Esoteric - Inner - Antarika Artha
Bahya Abhyantara Bhedath Dvivida
While we can understand a mythological story and its Bahya Artha, the Antarika Artha or the inner symbolic meaning is explained only by the Guru. It can only be got via the Guru Shishya Bandha.
Here is the symbolism of the Lord on a chariot, giving instructions to the Prince of India.
The Lord symbolises the Self
Arjuna represents the Discriminative Intellect, Prajna
The Five Horses are the Five Senses, Pancha Indriyas
The reins are the Mind.
Athmanam Sardhim Viddhi
Shareeram Ratham Eva Cha
Indriyanam Hayaneshu
Mana pragrahameva Cha
Know that the Self is the rider
The Body the Chariot
Senses five the five horses
And Mind the reins !
Vande Guru Paramparam
We thank the tradition of Masters, who gave us this symbolic meaning. Hail Bhagavan Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Bhagavan Sai, Mahesh Yogi etc.
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