Sunday, March 25, 2012

The symbolism of Kalia Mardhana

This is a glorious opportunity to explain the great symbolism of Kalia Mardana.

In the West, the seven reprehensible actions have been defined by Dante as the Seven Deadly Sins. They are Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness and gluttony.

In India, they are known as the Ari Shad Vargas, the six enemies of Man, Kama, Krodha, Mada, Moha, Matsarya & Lobha. Raga or attachment can be added as the Seventh.

The giant Kalia reprents our Ego. And his seven hoods are the Seven Deadly Sins, Kama, Krodha etc.

Let Him dance on our Ego, destroying the Sins in us, so that we become eligible for Self Actualisation !

Ego, strength, arrogance,
Lust, anger, hatred
Overcoming all these
Eligible he becomes
For the Divine Crown !

Ahamkaram Balam Darpam
Kamam Krodham Parigraham
Vimuchya Nirmala Shantho
Brahma bhooyaya Kaplathe

- The Holy Geetha

Grace us O Almighty Lord!

Praseeda Devesha Jagannivasa !

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