Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Jupiterian Law or Brihaspathi Neethi
Suppose your son goes against you. Will you throw him out of the house ?
This is where Jupiterian Law or Brihaspathi Neethi or Jesusian Law comes into operation.
Love is giving and forgiving
Self is getting and forgetting !
Conquer by Love ! This is the message handed out to us by the millenial philosophers, millenial poets and millenial prophets !
Love is a Glory from Eternity's spheres
He is still the Godhead that can make all change
Love should never cease to be upon the Earth
Love is the bright link betwixt Earth and Heaven
Love is the far Transcendent's angel here
Love is man's lien on the Absolute !
Sai and Jesus say " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you and bless them that persecute you" !
Let us be arrayed from head to foot with their commandments. ' Conquer everything with Patience and Love" is their eternal message !
Byron said " Take away Love and the whole world becomes a tomb "
Jupiter is the preceptor of the celestials and represents the divine arts and sciences. The scientia intuitiva or intuive sciences are a great preparation for Eternal Liberation. Without the discriminative intellect or prajna imparted by him, no one can hope for Self Actualisation. He represents the Sreyo Marga ( the way of Being and of Bliss ) and Venus represents the Preyo Marga ( the way of Mammon and the flesh ). Both paths are followed by mankind !
Goethe echoed the same when he averred
Now lead me where some heavenly silence glasses
The purer joys around the Poet throng
Where Love and Friendship divinely fashion
The bonds that bless, the wreaths that crown his passion !
Yoga Sastra, Nyaya Sastra, Neethi Sastra, Vedanta Sastra, Jyothis Sastra and all such sciences are ruled by Jupiter or Brihaspathi. Sasanath Thrayathe ithi Sastram - meaning that Redeeming instructions are called Sastras ( like fatherly advice to a son ). Hence Jupiter or Brihaspathi is the greatest benefic, from the perspective of Self Actualisation. He represents Grace Divine, without which no Self Realisatoin is possible.
Love is a manna sent from Heaven, a spark of the Immortal Fire, sent by the Lord to elevate our low desire ! Let Almighty Love triumph on earth !
From the Center where the Heart of God is known
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
Let Love triumph on Earth !
Let us Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hate None and Hurt Never, thereby fulfilling the Jupiterian Law !
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Friday, June 17, 2011
The Venusian Law ( Shukra Neeti )
The Mosaic Law of Western Thought is known as Shukra Neethi ( Venusian Law ) in Indian Philosophy. The Jesusian Law corresponds to Brihaspathi Neethi, that is rising to a higher plane which returns good for evil !
Even though it is taught that lying is Sin and should be avoided, Shukra Neethi or the Venusian Law states that one can lie for virtue !
Kaliyil prana rakshakkum
Go brahmana hithathinum
Kanya Vitha rakshakkum
Poli Nindithamalledo !
In business, one cannot be trufhful all the time. There is a saying, Truth is ruinous, hence suppressio veriti, suggestio falsi ! In order to make profits, the biz man is given the licence to lie !
Milton said that Mammon was the first teacher of Man
By him first
Men also
The God and Mammon of Western Thought have their equivalents in
Brihaspathi or Jupiter - the Guru of the celestials and representer of the twelve positive sciences of the Vedas
Shukra or Venus - the Guru of the demons and representer of all modern sciences
Milton's " It is better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven " is Venusian or Shukra Neeti and is widely followed by politicians, mafia chiefs, the priesthood and the captialists !
In Mythology Indian, Venus or Sage Shukra was born to Bhrighu and Usana. He was born on the day of Freya or Venus, Friday. He was born in the constellation of Swathi. Freya is Venus in Norse Mythology and Freya's day became Friday. Shukravar is Friday and is named after Shukra. Shukra was sent to learn the Vedas from Angiras, who was partial to his son, Brihaspathi. However, Shukra learnt the Vedas from Gauthama. He later performed penance to Lord Shiva and obtained the Sanjeevani Mantra, a mantra which can resurrect the dead.
When Jupiter or Brihaspathi became the Guru of the celestials, Shukra competed and became the Guru of the demons ! He exhorted the demons to win the war against the celestials !
When King Bali was tested by Lord Vishnu in the form of the dwarf Vamana, Shukra immediately knew of the deceipt and warned King Bali. He sat in the spout of a vase, which was spotted by Lord Vishnu. Vishnu picked a straw from the ground and directed it on the spout, with the result Shukra became half blind !
Shukra corresponds to Machiavelli. Machiavelli opined that to be feared is better than to be loved. ( "Love is preserved by the link of obligation which men in their baseness break off at every opportunity for their own advantage, whereas fear preserves you with the dread of punishment which never fails " ). Machiavelli opined that men are base and ugly. ( " This has to be asserted in general for men, that they are cowardly, covetous, ungrateful, fickeminded and false and as long as you succeed, they are yours entirely"). Armed prophets had succeeded, whereas the unarmed had failed !
The Jesus and Machiavelli of Western thought, both dialectical opposites, correspond to Brihaspathi and Shukra of Indian thought !
Shukra in Sanskrit means brightness, clearness, purity. These mythological figures are planets and Vedic Symbolism was used by the Rishies. Astrologically, he represents the mundane arts and the mundane sciences, whereas Jupiter or Brihaspati represents the divine sciences and the divine arts.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Periods of the Sun !
The Malayalam Agri Calender has it that the Sun transits the 27 constellations of the Ecliptic and these came to be known as the Njattuvelas. The word Njattuvela is derived from Njayar meaning the Sun and Velas meaning the Times. In short Njattuvela means the Times of the Sun, as it passes through the 27 constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac.
Now the Sun is transiting Mrigasira or Makiryam Njattuvela is on. It is raining incessantly in Kerala. Makiryam mathi ariyathe peyyum meaning that rains will be galore during Mrigasira Njattuvela. On June 22nd, the famous Thiruvathira Njattuvela will be on and Kerala will be graced by bursts of rain with sunny interludes.
Monsoon Tourism is on the upswing in the state. People from Arab lands and tropical countries find Kerala a haven. Westerners find it as a gorgeous Paradise, because of the immense greenery which adorn the state.
More rains are expected during the solar transits of Punarvasu and Pushya. These four Njattuvelas are fierce and destructive. Many have lost their homes in the villages, many paddy fields have been inundated, as the Rains of Life and Death simultaneously bring relief from the blistering heat and at the same time wreack havoc on the poor infrastructure of the state.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wisdom is puire !
Wisdom ( Vidya ) comes disguised as a woman and tells the scholar not to teach Wisdom to the undeserving
Dhana dayi Brahma chari cha
Medhavi srothita priya
Impart Me, Wisdom, to the deserving - to donators of wealth, celibates, to the intelligentia and those seek the Vedas !
In fact there are verses which ban imparting knowledge to the arrogant, to the atheist. If imparted, it will end only in sorrow !
Na deyam para shishyaya nasthikaya shadaya cha
Datteyam Prathi dinam dukham Jeevithe natra samsaya
In Free Masonry also, "this science can only be taught to suitable and worthy men, because the misuse of it and the powers arising from it, is conducive to general and personal evil".
It is said that the Initiates knew that this Wisdom is unfit and dangerous to the ordinary human mind, and will suffer loss of virtue and purity, if revealed to vulgar and impure spirits. Hence they devised an outer system - that of temples, mosques and churches - efficient, but imperfect for the profane ! Initiate knowledge is only for those purified in Soul and awakened in Spirit !
Hence they hid Wisdom in mythological stories and allegories, as they never wanted the impure to got hold of that knowledge. Poetry, remarks Sir Philip Sydney, was of purpose written darkly, lest by profane wits it be abused !
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Intellectual Mysticism
Intellectual Love or Amor Intellectualis is said to be the greatest quality. This quality is called Vibhakthi in Sanskrit. The mysticism which deals with Vibhakti is called Intellectual Mysticism.
We find many parallels in Walt Whitman and the poet Melpathur ( of Narayaneeyam fame ).
Vibhakti is Vedantic bhakti. The poet Melpathur was a great scholar in all the twelve sciences of Wisdom and he was a made poet like Milton. He had lived laborious days in mastering the twelve positive sciences - six auxiliary and six main - and he had consecrated himself to the Divine. He was the Milton of India ! He was a philosopher,scholar, poet and astrologer.
The Absolute Self of transcendental philosophy is the actual Godhead and the philosopher knows that Thee is Actual Me !
Walt Whitman said
I shrivel at the thought of Self
At Nature and Her wonders, Space, Time and Death
Then I turn to Thee, O Actual Me !
Lo Thou gently mastereth the orbs
Thou matest with Time, smilest content with Death
And fillest swellest the vastnesses of Space !
Melpathur said more or the less the same thing !
In reality I am Thee
For me no bondage
Nor liberation eternal
As all this is illumined
In Universal Mind
Mind binds, Mind liberates
I see Universe thru Mind
The beginingless Nescience
Binds Soul to body
I the Self am unbound
I am that I am !
As to a man in waking
Dream appears unreal
So also is waking state
Unreal in Transcendence !
Yadartha syath thvath mayaiva hi
Mama na Vibho vastavo bandha moksho
Maya Avidya Thanubhyam
Thava hi virachitho
Swapna bodho vapau Thau !
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Allegory of the Vedantic Triad
There is a great allegorical depiction of the Vedantic Triad in Indian Philosophy.
A cow with three calves - the cow represents the Universal Mind ( Maya ), the three calves are
The Relative Universe ( Jagat )
The Relative Ego ( Jiva )
The Relative Supreme ( Para )
The Triad is a projection of the Universal Mind, whose base is Absolute Being !
O Thou with and without Thy Maya
Art known as Witness Consciousness
Thy projections Three
Are Thee in Reality !
All the forces of Nature
Dissolved in Thee at Involution
Only Thou existed then
As Supreme Consciousness Bliss !
Maya sannihito pravishta vapusha
Saksheethi geetho bhavan
Bhedestham pratibimbitho vivisivan
Jeevepi naiva para
Kalatma pratibodhita cha vigata
sanchothita cha swayam
Maya sa khalu bhuddi tatvamasruja
Dwyosau mahan uchyathe
Friday, June 03, 2011
Extoll HIm ?
Without an Opposition, there is no democratic process. Should all should extoll God? There should be somebody to criticise Him !
He is not a Human Being. He wont get angry either, like you or me. He is Being Absolute ( Sat ), Knowledge Absolute ( Chit ) & Bliss Absolute ( Ananda ) !
How can it be that Brahm
Could make a world so miserable
And if powerful, leave it so !
He is not good and if not all powerful
He is not God !
Said Bhagavan Buddha in the Light of Asia ( by Sir Edwin Arnold ) . When asked who the greatest philosopher ever was, Bertrand Russell quipped " Buddha .
Mammon led them on,
Mammon, the least erected soul
Who fell from Heaven
And even in Heaven his looks were downward bent
Admiring more
The riches of Heaven's pavemet, trodden gold
Said Milton.
Satan with his army carried the war into the Enemy's camp. They raged against the Highest ! With his army generals, Beelzebub, Mammon, Lucifer etc, they fought against the tyrranny of Heaven, against Him who gives the Cross to good and the throne to Evil, who gives wealth to Evil and lack of wealth to the good, who gives destruction to the good and blessings to Evil !
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Alchemical Allegory
The story of Jesus is an alchemical allegory.
In Alchemy, there are seven stages ( These correspond to the Seven States of Consciousness of SCI & TM ).
After the first two steps of Sanctification and Purification, the aspiring soul goes through the stages of Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion.
These three are the processes of Chemisty, which is derived from Alchemy. The founding fathers of Chemistry were all alchemists, those who trasmuted baser metals into gold. Converting copper or lead to Aurum is theoretically possible. You can change the atomic number of any element by proton bombardment.
The aspirig soul has inner tumults and agitations and these are represented by these three processes.
Combustion is Passion, the Passion of the Redeemer. Combustion is crucifixon, wherein the rebounding karma catches the aspirant unawares.
The question is asked why an aspirant is always carrying the Cross. Arent you a fool to carry the Cross all the time? The answer is that it is a paradoxical state of pain and Bliss. On the Cross, the fifth stage of Alchemy, the soul acquiesces in the Universal Will and welcomes the Divine Will with bliss.
The next stage is Regeneration. Free Masons and Rosucrucians are all alchemists and they admit that Alchemy is derived from the Vedists of the East.
The final stage is At One Ment, at One with the Universal, which is also the purpose of Yoga.
In Alchemy, there are seven stages ( These correspond to the Seven States of Consciousness of SCI & TM ).
After the first two steps of Sanctification and Purification, the aspiring soul goes through the stages of Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion.
These three are the processes of Chemisty, which is derived from Alchemy. The founding fathers of Chemistry were all alchemists, those who trasmuted baser metals into gold. Converting copper or lead to Aurum is theoretically possible. You can change the atomic number of any element by proton bombardment.
The aspirig soul has inner tumults and agitations and these are represented by these three processes.
Combustion is Passion, the Passion of the Redeemer. Combustion is crucifixon, wherein the rebounding karma catches the aspirant unawares.
The question is asked why an aspirant is always carrying the Cross. Arent you a fool to carry the Cross all the time? The answer is that it is a paradoxical state of pain and Bliss. On the Cross, the fifth stage of Alchemy, the soul acquiesces in the Universal Will and welcomes the Divine Will with bliss.
The next stage is Regeneration. Free Masons and Rosucrucians are all alchemists and they admit that Alchemy is derived from the Vedists of the East.
The final stage is At One Ment, at One with the Universal, which is also the purpose of Yoga.
The Broadmindedness of Indian Philosophy !
We may with successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal war
Irreconcilable to our Grand Foe
Who now trimphs and in excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the tyrranny of Heaven !
Says Satan in the Paradise Lost. Who wrote the Paradis Lost?
A world class poet called Miltion and he was following Vidwesha Bhakhti.
There is no philosopher who is not a Poet ( Na rishi kavih )
So he was a world class philosopher and poet, aware that the Lord had made him suffer, despite him being a scholar ! He had lived laborious days,yet the Lord made him bear the cross. He had studied hard, studied every portion of the Bible. He was blind and his life was immense suffering. So was Tasso's. So was Dante's.
Every Thesis has an Anti Thesis and handling both arguments is called the Dialectical Process. All lawyers know this, all politicians as well as Rishies.
Charvaka was a Rishie, yet an atheist. There is no God in Buddhism, yet it is a formidable system. Atheism, Agnosticism ( Buddhism ) etc adorn Indian Philosophy. A Hindu can be an athiest, he can be an agnostic, he can be a Shoonyavadi ( Buddhist ) or a Poornavadi ( Vedantin ) without being excommunicated like in other civilisations. This is the broadmindedness of Indian Philosophy.
The sloka Yada vairanubandhena is not made by me, but by a Rishie called Narada, who was a Bhaktha !
To wage by force or guile eternal war
Irreconcilable to our Grand Foe
Who now trimphs and in excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the tyrranny of Heaven !
Says Satan in the Paradise Lost. Who wrote the Paradis Lost?
A world class poet called Miltion and he was following Vidwesha Bhakhti.
There is no philosopher who is not a Poet ( Na rishi kavih )
So he was a world class philosopher and poet, aware that the Lord had made him suffer, despite him being a scholar ! He had lived laborious days,yet the Lord made him bear the cross. He had studied hard, studied every portion of the Bible. He was blind and his life was immense suffering. So was Tasso's. So was Dante's.
Every Thesis has an Anti Thesis and handling both arguments is called the Dialectical Process. All lawyers know this, all politicians as well as Rishies.
Charvaka was a Rishie, yet an atheist. There is no God in Buddhism, yet it is a formidable system. Atheism, Agnosticism ( Buddhism ) etc adorn Indian Philosophy. A Hindu can be an athiest, he can be an agnostic, he can be a Shoonyavadi ( Buddhist ) or a Poornavadi ( Vedantin ) without being excommunicated like in other civilisations. This is the broadmindedness of Indian Philosophy.
The sloka Yada vairanubandhena is not made by me, but by a Rishie called Narada, who was a Bhaktha !
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