Saturday, June 26, 2010

Deep Ecology

Arne Naess, the Norwegian philosopher, founded Deep Ecology. Deep Ecology is a holistic view of Ecology, a sort of Ecosophy. Not Ecology as a science of the Environment, ready to be exploited by humans. Deep Ecology views humankind as an integral part of the environment.

Deep Ecology is an environmental advocacy which can guide humanity against self destruction by humans. Deep Ecology is of the view that massive economic acticity has pushed the Bioshpere away from its natural state to a state of reduction in biodiversity and climate change and other influences. Too much dependence on Science at the expense of Traditional Wisdom has caused this exploitation of Nature. Civilization is facing mass extinction. Deep ecologists intend to change the present modern thinking with their holistic philosophy.

Dr Vandana Shiva has written a book called Vedic Ecology. V E views the individual as an integral part of the environment. The rivers are lifebloods of the ecosystems. The Vedic views all Nature as divine. The ecosystem is part of our life.

The Vedic Seers regarded Nature as Manifest Divinity ( Saguna Brahman ). Plants and trees have life, not only humans. The ecosystem, therefore, was very important to them. They worshipped Nature and there were scientific reasons in worshipping the Manifest Divinity. Holy groves were part of the environment. They built temples, with big ponds attached in every village. Each temple had ample space and most temples were in the midst of forests. Holy groves were attached to temples. Plants, trees and animals were part of their life and they regarded Life as sacred. Their world view is indeed great, in these days of pollution ( of air, water and soil) , environmental degradation, overpopulation & desertification.

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