Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Rise of New Age !

New Age is based on the wisdom of Nature. James Lovelock, the author of the Ages of Gaia, declared that " Gaia ( Earth ) is the source of Life Everlasting and is alive now, she gave birth to humankind and we are a part of Her". The human assault on Gaia is responsible for Global Warming. This human assault is like fever and humans are not allowing Gaia to recuperate. " She may be unable to relax because we have been busy removing her skin and using it as farm land, especially the trees and the forests of the humid tropics ... we are also adding a vast blanket of greenhouse gases to the already feverish patient! "

According to the Gaia Hypothesis, the Earth is a living organism, homeostatic or self regulatory, the source of all life, which has the capacity to heal itself under natural conditions. Unfortunately humanity feels that technology can overwhelm Gaia's capacity for self healing. Such thinking will only bring disaster and destruction unless the human species stops the technological assault on Her !.

This Gaia Hypothesis is in tune with Philosophia Indica, which maintains that Nature ( Prakriti ) is verily He ( Purusha ).

It is not surprising to see that more than 6 million websites embrace New Age Philosophy. New Age is nothing but World Mysticism and incorporates Yoga ( Hindu Mysticism ), Kabalah ( Jewish Mysticism ), Sufism ( Islamic Mysticism ), Gnosticism ( Christian Mysticism ), Zen ( Buddhist Mysticism ), and the mystic wisdom of all the world's great religions.

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