Saturday, June 26, 2010

Quantum Physics can shock you !

"Those who are not shocked by the quantum theory have not understood it fully", said Neils Bohr. What happens in the invisible subatomic realm is not known to Newtonian Physics !

"The stuff of the world is Mind stuff", said Aurthur Eddington. The course of an electron is uncertain, said Heisenberg. Matter is both solid-like and idea-like, averred De Broglie and Schroedinger.

"What we observe is not Nature herself, but Nature revealed to our method of questioning " declared Heisenberg.

Quantum Physics is talking mystic language and has reached Transcendental Physics, which maintained that the Universe is a Universe of appearance, hiding behind it the Omnipresent Reality !

he New Physics radically changed the thinking of the scientist. Space and Time are not separate, they are one.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that the course of an electron is uncertain and cannot be predicted. Given a beam of electrons, the probabilistic distribution can be predicted, but not the course of a single electron !

Newtonian laws do not apply to the invisible subatomic realm. The Uncertainty Principle undermines the Mechanistic Model of the Universe, created by a Designer.

The Law of Complementarity, the Matter-Wave Hypothesis, the Schrodinger Wave Equation, the Uncertainty Principle - all these laws indicate that the New Physics has reached the First Science or Transcendental Physics, which maintains the the Universe is a Universe of appearance, behind which hides the Indestructible Reality !

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