Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Gaia Hypothesis !

Dr Lovelock formulated his famous Gaia Hypothesis, an ecological hypothesis that the components of the Earth and the Biosphere form a complex interactive system. This superorganism maintains the biogeochemical and climatic condition of Earth in a perfect homeorhesis.

James Lovelock proposed it as the Earth Feedback Hypothesis, but the name was changed due to the suggestion of William Golding as the Gaia Hypothesis, named after the Greek Goddess of Earth, Gaia.

According to this Hypothesis,

The Earth is coevolutionary, meaning that Life and the Environment evolved together.

The Earth is homeostatic, that is Earth has regulatory mechanisms which maintains the constancy of the internal milieu.

The Earth is geophysical, responsible for the geo-physical cycles, like the Water Cycle, the Oxygen Cycle, the Nitrogen Cycle etc. ( Evapotransipration from the land, evaporation from the sea and then condensation and precipitation as rains is the Water Cycle).

The Earth is optimising, as the Earth shaped the planet in such a way that made it an optimal environment for Life.

This Hypothesis coincides with Indian Philosophy. Medha Sooktham is a prayer devoted to Gaia, the concept of Bhoomi Devi is nothing but Gaia Hypothesis and Bhoomi Pooja is done in India, as a method of propitiating Gaia, as the ancients revered Nature as Divine !

This union of Science and Philosophy is referred to as the Sacred Balance. Ever since the days of Darwin, there has been a bifurcation between Science and Spirituality and the Sacred Balance heals this dichotomy.

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